Congrats to Chris N. who absolutely dominated and only missed ONE correct answer. We don’t know how you did it but we are thoroughly impressed.
Coming Spring 2019!
Congrats to Chris N. who absolutely dominated and only missed ONE correct answer. We don’t know how you did it but we are thoroughly impressed.
Out of the blue of the westward sky……comes SKY KING, and his niece Penny (and airplane The Song Bird).
I’m guessing this is an old tv reference?
TV when I was a kid, prior radio program about Arizona rancher Sky King who had a niece named Penny and flew his airplane The Song Bird..
Listen to “Pencil Thin Mustache” by Jimmy Buffett and hear reference to Penny.
Didn’t Eleanor Roosevelt also have a lewd affair with “Hick”?
Stokes scores! It’s a good thing because I was very close to calling Rick Scott to inquire how to put a stop to this vote.
Joan Kennedy could be fairly badass.
Joan Kennedy too, then!
funny Jake associates milking cows with the name Greta – I have a story about a long ago co-worker….she was a very nice middle-aged german lady and involved a wet t-shirt contest.
Sounds like a good Thanksgiving story!
This was just the best, most fun thing ever!!! Thanks for including us in this way!!!